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St Mary's Island CofE Primary School


All of our school branded items are available from 'School Time'.
87-89 High Street, Chatham. ME4 4EE.
(Near B&M Store)
Tel. (01634) 831684.
If you wish to spread the cost of uniform, School Time has a savings scheme.

Click on the link to access the School Time website...


The school also has a range of donated second-hand uniform available to purchase for £1 an item. Please contact Mrs. Bangle on 01634 891050 or email office@st-marys-island.medway.sch.uk if you wish to purchase any items of uniform. 


A school sweatshirt or cardigan which can be blue, yellow or green (in the school colours).

A polo shirt which can be white, blue, yellow or green (in the school colours).

Jogging bottoms, leggings or elasticated school trousers in a dark colour (navy blue, grey or black).

Outdoor shoes or trainers and wellies.

Soft shoes or slippers for indoors.


Foundation Stage (Yr R)

Key Stage 1 (Yrs 1 & 2)

V-necked school sweatshirts are available in royal blue, emerald green or amber yellow (you may choose to buy one colour, two or all three). Children may wear sweatshirt cardigans.

Plain white polo shirt (this is the cheapest option). You may choose a coloured school polo shirt instead if you wish.


Key Stage 2 (Yrs 3, 4, 5 & 6)

Our school tie is worn by all of our children in KS2.







White polycotton blouse or shirt with long or short sleeves.

V-necked school sweatshirts are available in royal blue, emerald green or amber yellow (you may choose to buy one colour, two or all three). Children may wear sweatshirt cardigans.


Whole School items

Grey trousers, grey skirt or pinafore dress.
Children  may wear smart grey trousers (no leggings, ski pants or joggers).
Black, grey or white ankle or knee socks. Tights in neutral colours, black, grey or white may be worn.
Sensible black school shoes (not trainers, fashion shoes/boots or high heels; shoes should support the foot).
A watch may be worn, but no other jewellery.
Warm waterproof coat, hat, scarf, gloves, wellies etc. for cold weather.
Book bag.

Summer Uniform Changes

Children can wear a blue, green or yellow gingham dress with short sleeves and a collar.
Children can wear smart grey school shorts.
School polo shirt in white, blue, green or yellow.
School baseball cap or legionnaire's hat for sun safety.


Swimming costume or trunks, swimming hat (compulsory for all) are available from the school office.
Large towel, large waterproof bag big enough to hold your child's clothes and shoes.

Physical Education

Amber crew neck t-shirts are worn for both indoor and outdoor P.E lessons

Plimsoll shoes are

required for indoor

P.E sessions.


Royal blue or emerald

green shorts.

All kit should be kept in a drawstring P.E bag, with all items (including the bag) clearly labelled.
Trainers are required for all outdoor P.E sessions.

For outdoor P.E sessions, at times of the year where colder weather is expected, please ensure that warmer outer items are available for your child to wear, such as jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt.

Earrings need to be removed on the day of your child's P.E sessions unless they can remove them themselves.

We appreciate your support with following the guidlines for indoor and outdoor P.E kit and ensuring that the correct kit is in school on the relevent days.  P.E is a compulsory part of the curriculum and adequate kit is required in order to take part.

Your child's P.E kit can be kept in school and taken home during the school breaks.