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St Mary's Island CofE Primary School


Personal, social and health education (PSHRE) provides the children with opportunities to consider, discuss and reflect on important issues.
It contributes to the children becoming successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. Children discuss real-life dilemmas and reflect upon moral issues and how they affect their own lives as well as that of others.
They are positively encouraged to consider their own feelings and actions and how these may affect other people.
The school runs a pupil-led council consisting of representatives from each class who meet regularly to put forward the views of their peers in a democratic forum and a child-led ethos committee to uphold our school values.
As a school, we encourage fund-raising to help others less fortunate than ourselves and every opportunity is used to promote our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural developments as well as their own physical well-being to help them thrive in their community and the wider world, and become model citizens in modern Britain.
The school follows the Jigsaw programme. Please click on the link below for more information about Jigsaw.


Jigsaw PSHRE Overview

PSHRE Jigsaw Long term Curriculum overview 

Jigsaw 3-11 and PSHRE Overview   

 If you would like to read our Relationship and Sex Education Policy please click on the link below.

RSE Policy