Maths is a vibrant and essential part of everyday life and is a key to understanding the world around us. We prepare the children exceptionally well for employment and their future lives. The children are fluent in maths, reason mathematically and solve problems efficiently by applying their mathematical knowledge. We give children a thirst for knowledge and a love of maths which means our pupils are motivated to learn and to be confident.
Links are made between subjects and areas of maths meaning children become independent learners. Maths is taught within real life situations making learning meaningful. The outside area and the school buildings are used creatively to offer real contexts for mathematical concepts. Specific maths skills and mental maths skills are rigorously taught.
We capitalise on children’s innate sense of curiosity and investigations are used to give children first hand experiences of solving maths problems.
Spoken language is vitally important and teachers model the use of high quality mathematical vocabulary and subject specific words. Our children reason exceptionally well, discuss their own ideas and address misconceptions through quality discussion. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves and think out-of-the box. Opportunities are given for maths lessons to follow children’s own interests and strengths.